Och Lesley you are prompting me to comment on the subject which I feel mighty ambivalent.... ambivalent about commenting and about the issue subject itself but what the heck I will even reply to all of your doting blog recipients no sarckiness intended I promise So the manipulated masses both inside and outside of the house are teased and tormented for blatant commercial purposes... But the complex weave of contradictory feelings leave us all feeling a little muddled perhaps?? Should we tune in to see what all the fuss is about? I have been watching some but not all first eviction evidently watched by a measly 3.2m so crank up the tension provoke the inevitable power struggle between 'Alpha or dominant women' and wadda-you-get.... ego mayhem... Is it racially driven? I say not has it go racial elements or undertones? Of course it has is it vindictive and malicious? It certainly was but was it for racial reasons? I say no... Curiously for me the Jade Goody outburst I felt was not as sinisterly racially influenced as the throw away comments particularly from Danielle who again I can almost feel pity for as I see her as mainly motivated by a need for approval from the dominant Jade and revealing more entrenched racial stereotyping attitudes than Jade herself. Is Jade a bully however? Well yes but aren't we all in certain settings can we be judgmental? Can we lack empathy? Do we put our own values to one side before we take a view are we often intolerant? Can we be hostile and unkind when we perceive injustice, course we can its about degrees and threat... Jade was very threatened by Shipla for all the obvious reasons. I am not being overly sympathetic here just observing the obvious. Poor old Jade our favourite apology of an English treasure the iconoclastic tomb stone shall read......... 'She lived the dream then it killed her' The ethical/ moral dilemma, speaking as a fellow Fishburner who like you I dare say was brought up in a household that more from ignorance, unfamiliarity, some fear and prejudice almost innocence referred to non white skinned people as 'Blackies' and had a fundamental mistrust and unquestioning dismissiveness but not aggressive view of foreigners the key struggle I am still left with, is the difficulty of what you can and can't say to someone when outraged, incensed, provoked or seriously wronged. Insults are meant to hurt verbal assaults are less hurtful, painful, than physical ones but being cut up in the car by a women or man respectively can produce instinctive sexist outbursts, being cut up by a fat lorry driver can produce crude personal disdain based on fattist, boorish attitudes or prejudices toward out fellow man. Being cut up by a bullish Afro Caribbean man or any kind of clearly identifiable non Anglo Saxon white extraction type then we must immediately stifle any reaction acknowledging ethnic difference otherwise we are on a charge like Janet Street Porter whatever she was supposed to have said recently to her neighbor.... So where am I left ... I think being ambivalent still but this time about my inability to either be firm one way or the other on this issue or to offer anything very original that’s the main reason for hesitating saying much.... There is a debate to be had here including where does this lead? 5-10 20yrs hence? Bolt onto this almost incidental trivia of a cynical reality game show which has the 'victim' Shilpa earning £350k just for going into the house and who, lets face it, has conducted herself impeccably no doubt the contracts will come rolling in... add to the question of implications for the future and the hysteria created (rightly or wrongly - I make no judgment of that) the evolution of racial / ethnic and religious division and the terrorist threat then glory be.... we could be reflecting that it was that Jade Goody that brought about the race wars of the 21st century..... there is a rather pleasing ridiculousness to that one I feel I would rather be annihilated because of her than Mr Bush... for ironic and comedy reasons only you understand. Thanks Lesley enjoyed the thinking out loud on this one next blog about Desperate Housewives please Xxx Georgio
This is really George Coxon's comment to my Celebrity Big Brother Blog but I feel I just have to use it/him.
Posted by: Leslio | January 23, 2007 at 04:46 PM