It should have been Tim Urban.
I sound like a jilted lover by proxy! But you see Didi is on my 'LIST'. MY LIST of potential finalists was carefully selected during the audition rounds and includes Andrew Garcia, Crystal Bowersox, Michael Lynche and it used to include Didi Benami but after America voted Didi went home last night.
Everyone can see, hear and even smell that Tim Urban is struggling to perform anything. He has a weak voice. Perhaps it's the hair that keeps the votes coming in? He does nothing for me, I am not a fan of hair! After Didi's demise the voice of God AKA Simon did not decide to give her a second chance so off she goes. It must be next week that we wave goodbye to Tim's floppy fringe?
So now my list is:-
Andrew Garcia
Crystal Bowersox
Michael Lynche
Obviously I wish I had Siobhan Magnus on there as she is fab and groovy, if not a bit screamy, but we all love a good scream on a Wednesday night don't we?
I am gutted Didi has gone......... It's cos girlies do most of the voting and they like the mullet-haired Glee-cast boy... damn him.
Posted by: Lynne | April 06, 2010 at 03:50 PM