Ray Lewis is visiting Hong Kong from 17th April 2015 for two weeks and can be contacted on 9748 7538.
A few years ago I met Ray Lewis on a plane. We had a very interesting conversation about his job which he told me was 'helping people'. He explained a little about how he did this and it was so compelling that I followed up his suggestion of reading his website once I was home.
The Release Effect Take a little time to explore his method if you are interested.
I pursued his ideas and went ahead and did some, he recommends five, sessions with him where he asked me questions and then asked me to sit quietly and listen to him. I cannot really explain what happened after that apart from to say that I was aware of what was happening and could hear his voice. It was calming and easy.
Afterwards, not immediately afterwards, and I can't really be precise about the timing of how my negative feelings were alleviated, but I had a complete change of feeling. I felt lighter and no longer afraid. The same old crap was going on but I felt Teflon coated after the sessions and it just didn't bother me in the same way. I had more strength to live my life.
The Release Effect Ray Lewis
Ray in visiting Hong Kong again and will be doing an informative free talk on 20th April at Reflections for all who are interested. All the details are below from Ruby of Reflections.
Ray Lewis spent most of his adult life (more than 20 years) battling severe manic/depression or bi-polar as it has come to be known, and during that time he spent thousands of hours and many more thousands of dollars trying to get "the monkeys off his back". He was addicted to therapies and would try anything to get relief from the nightmare of his own mind that he was trapped in. He'd tried different types of therapies, attended umpteen different types of weekend seminar and read hundreds of self help books that inspired him, and according to Ray, they all worked, and provided some relief, but unfortunately, eventually the negative feelings would always come back again.
Fifteen years ago through a chance conversation, Ray stumbled across the missing link in the puzzle of the nightmare he found himself in. The answer came in the knowledge of a small part of the brain that was relatively unknown until the famous neuro-science professor Joseph La Doux, (NYU) discovered aspects of a little part of the brain called the Amygdala in the Limbic System, which led to the development of The Release Effect.
The Amygdala can store memories as a feeling memory even before our first conscious memories which usually start around the ages of 2-5. For example, a baby left alone too long could feel abandoned, which to a baby would feel like a life threatening situation, and then in the future, anything even remotely similar to being alone can trigger the same fight/flight response that the Amygdala remembered from all those years before. Even though the current situation is not logically relevant to that feeling memory. The Release Effect does not require a memory of the original event that created the feelings, it does not use analysis of the past.
The Release Effect evolved and in the last ten years, Ray has successfully treated nearly two thousand people with this technique, to help them get rid of their "monkeys" as well, and finally find that elusive peace of mind.
Ray has been free of his depression and feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, failure, fear of poverty, unappreciated and unloved etc for over 20 years and has devoted most of his time to travelling to take this new approach to people all around the world. He finds people in Hong Kong to be very open-minded and looks forward to meeting you at an almost free talk on April 20 evening, where you can learn more about The Release Effect.

To join the evening talk on April 20 with Ray, call Reflections on 2504 1333.
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