Tyra Banks, with her gang of bullies and misogynists, orchestrate misery and unhappiness for the benefit of their viewing figures week by week. Through cleverly manipulating young women into believing that it is mandatory to carry out tasks that are painful or frightening means that they have what it takes to be a top model. According to the America's Next Top Model mantra - suffering is what it takes.
Photoshoot Hissy Fit
By pressurizing the contestants into attending photo shoots where at least one girl from the group is extremely uncomfortable, afraid or just looks plain stupid means that at least two of them will have a hysterical moment and cry, thus making her mascara run down her doll-like make-up clad face.
Save it for later
The incident will later be referred to while the review of the days shooting takes place. Whatever the circumstances it is ALWAYS the constestants fault. She is always made to feel like she was 100% in the wrong and was completely out of order to complain about the situation on the day. There is never any question that, in fact, the girl was being badly treated or being asked to do something against her better judgement or beliefs.
It appears that to work in the model industry and be successful you have to do exactly what you told and never object or open her mouth to express her opinion in any way.
The wrong message
This is my objection to the message of the programme. It is the wrong message. If the contestants, or in fact, any woman, is in a situation where it is her body that is her assest then surely it is her who should be solely in charge of what she feels comfortable doing with it.
If she is asked to dangle from a hideously high building or snuggle up next to a farm animal and she doesn't like that then she needs to speak up and say 'No'. It is indicative of the modelling industry to portray sickly looking emaciated girls as being beautiful and so this look has become something hundreds of women have begun to believe is the desired and most attractive way to be. Again a wrong message.
Say NO!
It is doubly wrong to portray the models being bossed around in circumstances where they have no control over what they can or cannot do during their or photo sessions with so called professional people.
Is it pimping?
The girls should be empowered into believing that if they do not feel comfortable in a situation then they need not go through it, they can and should say no. Without this power is is merely exploitation, nothing more than pimping.
Digital Methods
While the photo shoot is in full swing the photographer, who is operating expenisve and highly technological equipment, can see the results on a monitor. By the power of digital photography the image can be viewed instantly. There is no dark room hit-or-miss developing to take place, no opening the back of the camera by mistake and letting light in or forgetting to put a film in the camera - those days are gone. A simple memory stick and a computer ensures the result is on view.
Too what?
Then how on earth can Tyra and her mean gang have each girl stand, exposed and vulnerable, in front of the panel to be shown their 'best' photo and it be the responsibility of the model whether it is an acceptable photograph for the purposes of fashion magazines - or the other one - whether it is horrible. So often the girls are personally critisized for a bad photograph "Your neck looks too short" "Your leg looks odd" "Your arm is droopy" . Well why did'nt the photographer with the plethora of fancy equipment tell her that at the time. He is the one who is looking down the lens and he is the one who is looking at the monitor at the instant result. Could he not ask her to move her neck, leg or arm at the time instead of saving up the faulty work to use it for humiliation and belittlement later on?
So America's Next Top Exploited Young Girl get a grip of yourself and don't let Tyra and her gang push you around - speak up for yourself and say no especially if they suggest dying your hair white blonde when you are naturally a brunette or having your head shaved when you've spent years growing your hair.
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