Not enough toast
It is a regular and important part of my week. Without it my life would have less meaning. The thought of never having it again fills me with horror and dread. It would be an absolute hardship to do with out. I just don't think I could. A massive hole would appear in my life if they were to disappear tomorrow. Imagining the processing plant had broken down and there were no more, evokes panic deep inside me and I have an urge to do an impression of Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone.

Beans are not poured correctly and there should be four triangles of toast on the side.
The Comfort
Beans on Toast - is so very dear to me. It can be a comfort, a life saver, its almost a friend when all around me have better things to do.
But it has to be right. Those of you out there who may not be aware of the ritual of preparing this delicious, nutrious meal may be a little confused as to the stellar ranking this has among, dare I say it? Yes I dare. The British.
First of all it has to be Heinz Beans, the baked type. I am aware there are other brands and I am coming to terms with the fact that Heinz have tampered with their product over the years. I am aware of the different varieties such as 'Organic' or 'With sausages' and I've heard through the grapevine that it is possible to buy a variety which has an affiliation with Branston Pickle. Be that as it may, for me, it must only be the pure beans.

No toast under the beans is just wrong.
The Heating
The temperature must be hot. They must be brought to the boil so they bubble around the edge of the pan, even a little sizzling is acceptable, after which a stir is permissible so ensure a uniform temperature for every bean. Too cool and they don't perform their duty later once poured over the toast. Too hot and they begin to change their consistency and I don't like that.
Once the Heinz Baked Beans are in the pan. Oh and they must be heated in a pan, not warmed up in the microwave because that doesn't result in the same textural consistency that I consider to be right and proper, the toast can be put in the toaster.

I understand that people like the addition of cheese, but not me. Why are both slices of toast whole?
This is just plain lazy workmanship.
The Toast
I am very happy with a medium width of brown toast from a pre sliced loaf. There was a time when it had to be Mother's Pride White sliced but I have reached a heady level of sophistication regarding my bread and so brown it has to be. I do lament the loss of an eye level grill, a gas powered one to be precise because I feel it used to be possible to coordinate the readiness of the toast with the readiness of the beans in a much more accurate way, plus the toast tastes so much better when cooked on a gas grill. But alas I have no such device so I must make do with an electric toaster.

The only beans are Heinz - but again standards are just not high enough with the presentation of the toast.
The hot toast needs to snatched immediately upon the pop-up. Its taken as read that it is brown at this point, if not, one more session in the toaster is essential to get the crisp toast required for application of said beans.
Butter the two slices of toast briskly. Time is of the essence now. I stress it has to be butter and to be perfect, Lurpak.

I hope Santa brings me one of these...
The Presentation
Take a dinner plate and place one hot slice of buttered toast in the centre. With the second slice of hot buttered toast cut it into four triangular shapes and place the four triangles around the whole slice thus creating an attractive, eye catching design to please all class of consumer. Once the arrangement is in place the hot beans can be poured, with love, over the top. The pour must be in the middle of the whole piece of toast and the must spill, temptingly over the little triangles. But they must not cover the triangles leaving them crispy while the middle, whole bit of toast, gets a bit soggy just before serving. It is acceptable form to pour a little of the bean juice down the sink before pouring over the toast to prevent over sogginess. There is an optimum level of sogginess and that is not too soggy. This is just a little chefs tip I'm throwing for free here.

Oh no
The Eating Part
Once the plate is assembled then eating must begin forthwith so that the eating temperature is perfect. A knife and fork should be used to create sumptuous little mouth fulls of part toast, part bean and it is perfectly acceptable to squash the beans onto the toast whilst on the fork with a little bit of pressure. This results in a lovely, squishy texture for eating.

I used to dream of having an eye level grill
Extra Toast
Sometimes, I feel, that one tin of beans is too many for two slices of toast. But two slices of toast is what my toaster produces as standard. Once the eating process has begun it may become clear that I will need one more slice in order to eat the beans because, obviously, I cannot eat the beans if the toast runs out before the beans are finished. If I judge, half way through, that I'm going to need a third slice then it is permissible to slip in that cheeky extra slice.
The timing is a little tricky at this point. It is important to keep on eating the serving of beans on toast currently on the plate while popping back to the toaster mid-way to catch the hot toast, butter it, and whack it on the plate so that the, still hot, beans can be eaten and enjoyed the way they should be.
The Drink
There are two acceptable drinks to go with beans on toast and that depends on your age. If you are under 18 it is Robinson's Orange Squash. If you are over 18 it is a cup of tea.

Some consumers lower themselves to buying beans that are, horror or horrors, supermarket own brand. But its not right. Get a grip of yourself and only buy Heinz. I also understand that some people like to grate cheese over their beans, or perhaps add a dash of Worcestershire Sauce, or even a grilled rasher of bacon on the side. All of these are a mystery to me and frankly just wrong.
How do you like yours?
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